Is Medditerranean diet good for diabetics?

What is Medditerranean diet?

In this era where people are searching different – you must have heard the term ‘Mediterranean diet’. What is this? In Mediterranean diet we eat traditional food of countries such as France ,Spain ,Greece ,Italy etc. Countries that are bordering the Mediterranean sea. This is one of the reason that this diet is known as Mediterranean diet.

Does it actually helps?

Yes, Mediterranean diet is good for diabetics.

Because it cantain only that type of food which are there in the diabetics- suger free, oil free food and it reduce taking help of insulin resistance. it is the best diet suggested by the docter for a diabetic person.

It contains mineral and protein rich food such as refined grain, fruits and vegetables, beans, legumes, sea food, plenty of the saturated fat and to avoid sugared food, oily food, drinks and which contain high calories.

There are many reson based that a mediterraneanian diet is good for diabetes- it is the most flexible diet plan because it contain only flexible food which do not harm to your body and it gives us an better energetic and healthy life.

Mediterranean diet helps to limit the blood sugar and avoid the food which raise the blood sugar like sugar sweet and refined grains.

  • The treatment for the type of diateteies has been increased by two decades.
  • Ingredients rich in minerals, flavour, and heart-healthy fats include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and Food on the Mediterranean diet is both delicious and nourishing.
  • The Mediterranean diet contain only flexible and traditional food that peole use to eat in different countries like France, Sprain, Greece and Italy

Mediterranean diet chart-

  • Vegetables: The more, the merrier! Maintaining good blood sugar levels is made easier by include a lot of fresh or frozen food in your meals.
  • Fruit: There are fantastic options for both fresh and frozen food. Fruit with seeds and skin, such as berries, plums, or apples, are preferable since they contain more fibre.
  • Whole Grains: Quinoa, muesli, brown rice, whole-wheat pasta, muesli, whole-wheat bread and bulgur are just a few of the nutritious whole-grain choices.
  • Legumes: Fiber-rich legumes include beans and lentils. When using canned beans, try to use low-sodium varieties and rinse the beans thoroughly before using to remove even more salt.
  • Fish is an excellent choice, particularly salmon, sardines, and mackerel, which are high in omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Healthy Fats: Nuts, seeds, avocado, and olive oil all contain unsaturated fats that should be consumed frequently.

How we have to follow it-

  • Eat food like virgin olive oil , spices sea food fish herbs whole grains legumes nuts seeds.
  • The food which we have to eat inmoderation are- polutry, cheese ans yogart.
  • Eat very rare refined oil potatoes and sweets.

Important point about this meal plan are-

  • It consist of good sources in diet.
  • This meal has an nutrient based for our recipe and sixth edition of carbohydrates and calories.
  • Mixing of whole milk and semi skimmed is been used for and any dairy food alternative should be unsweeted and fortified with calcium.


Doctor also reccomend the diabetic person to be in a mediterrinean diet plan because it includes all fresh and sugar free product, less sugar product , , low calories food, and rich vitamin food which decreses the risk of insulin and also make us stay safe and to avoid those food which are sweet , sugared , and high calories food.

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Don’t forget to check out other post of medditerranean diet-

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